Live Group Classes
KS1 / KS2 (Years 1-6)
£2,500- Full year price
Monthly installments £166 p/month
Monthly payment requires
a £500 deposit
- Core lessons of English, Maths and Science, in addition to Metacognition skills and Well-being classes are included in the pricing.
- Additional classes including History and Geography cost £700 each for the full academic year.
KS3 (Years 7-9) and KS4 IGCSE (Years 10-11)
£3,500- Full year price
Monthly installments £250 p/month
*Monthly payment requires
a £500 deposit
- Core lessons of English, Maths and Science, in addition to Metacognition skills and Well-being classes are included in the pricing.
- Additional classes including History, Geography, Business Studies and Psychology cost £900 each for the full academic year.
Recorded Classes with Tutor Assessments and Feedback
KS1 / KS2 (Years 1-6)
£2,500- Full year price
Monthly installments £166 p/month
*Monthly payment requires a £500 deposit
- Core lessons of English, Maths and Science, in addition to Metacognition skills and Well-being classes are included in the pricing.
- Additional classes including History and Geography cost £700 each for the full academic year.
KS3 (Years 7-9) and KS4 IGCSE (Years 10-11)
£3,500- Full year price
Monthly installments £250 p/month
*Monthly payment requires a £500 deposit
- Core lessons of English, Maths and Science, in addition to Metacognition skills and Well-being classes are included in the pricing.
- Additional classes including History, Geography, Business Studies and Psychology cost £900 each for the full academic year.
We provide a 10% reduction for complete payments and another 10% for siblings or referrals.
Students are required to acquire their own books, irrespective of whether they are digital or physical.
The costs associated with IGCSE examinations are separate and must be arranged
and paid for by the parent/guardian at their local test centres.