Kensington Academy

Get Enhanced Online Education Today

Why Join Kensington Academy?

Enrolling with Kensington Academy provides students with an exceptional opportunity to access quality educational resources and receive personalised support, enabling them to achieve their academic goals in a flexible and convenient manner.

The Flipped Classroom Approach

At Kensington Academy we offer the flipped classroom approach. This approach redefines the traditional learning experience by shifting direct instruction outside of the classroom, transforming educational experiences, empowering students to take charge of their learning while equipping teachers with the tools to enhance student understanding and collaboration. Join us at our online school to experience the future of education!

Select the course layout
that suits your needs

Our comprehensive online learning experience includes class formats catering to different learning styles. We offer 30 minute live classes using the flipped classroom approach and also asynchronous, pre-recorded lessons, available for students to suit their schedule. These learning options ensure that our students have access to a range of learning opportunities.

Our lessons are designed to promote critical thinking, collaboration, and independent learning, providing students with the skills they need to excel in their studies

Primary Key Stage 1 Years 1-2 - Ages 5-6

Primary Key Stage 2 Years 3-6 - Ages 7-11

Secondary Key Stage 3 Years 7-9 - Ages 11-14

IGCSE Key Stage 4 Years 10-11 Ages 14-16

We adhere to the UK Department of Education's Teachers Standards

Teachers set high expectations that inspire, challenge and motivate pupils

Our teachers set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions.

Teachers promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

Our qualified teachers understand how students learn and personalise student support to maximise their potential.

Teachers plan and teach well structured lessons

Lessons at Kensington Academy are designed to promote a love of learning and nuture children’s intellectual curiosity

Learning is customised to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils

Our teachers evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support puplils to ensure they reach their potential.

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